Duke of Edinburgh's Award

If you are 14 years or older and interested in a challenge, then the Duke of Edinburgh's Award is for you. 

This award is designed to move you out of your comfort zone, give you the opportunity to gain new skills, and make new friends. There are four main categories in the award; skill, service, physical recreation, and an adventurous journey.

There are three levels offered in the award; Bronze, Silver, and Gold, each becoming more challenging as you move through them . The starting level is bronze, which moves to silver upon completion.  Pricing is different for each level;

Payment is directly to Duke of Edinburgh - PLTOFF Soper will email you the cost and bank account details.

The 18 Squadron support committee has kindly offered a return of $30 upon completion of any level whilst still a member of 18SQN.  

Skill: This section requires you to spend a time period practicing a skill,  this can be a new skill, or something you already know, just as long as an improvement is made. 

Service: The award requires you to provide a non paid service to an organisation. If you do the award through 18 Squadron, the service section is already taken care of. 

Physical Recreation: The award requires you to take part in a sport, or something active, just as long as improvement is made.

Adventurous Journey: For this section you will need a sense of adventure. You will go and explore the  stunning wilderness New Zealand has to offer, learn new skills, build new relationships, learn self confidence and learn to work as a team. 18 Squadron staff have the experience to make this adventure exciting and challenging, while keeping you safe and within limits. The unit can provide equipment to those who want to give it a go. 

If this interests you please email Pilot Officer Mitchell Soper for more information.


More generic information can be found here http://www.intaward.org/ or at the New Zealand Duke of Edinburgh site -  https://dofehillary.org.nz/