
FLTLT Mitchell Leaman

Cadet Unit Commander

FLTLT Leaman joined 18SQN as a cadet in 1999. He has worked his way up the ranks and took over command in December 2020

FLTLT Leman's role is to manage the 18SQN officers, liaise  with NZCF HQ and the Support Committee and also be the public face of 18SQN. 

MAJ Wayne Henderson

Executive Officer
S2 - NZCF Information and History Officer
S4-1-2 - NZCF Logistics Support Officer

MAJ Henderson joined 17SQN in the late 1970's, commissioning in the mid 80's as a Pilot Officer.  MAJ Henderson then transferred to the Christ College Cadet Corp as Unit Commander.  After the disestablishment of that unit as the last School Cadet Unit he became Unit Commander at the City of Christchurch Cadet Corp.

In 2015 MAJ Henderson took over as S2 which is part of NZCF HQ and is responsible for NZCF History.  MAJ Henderson also became the Christchurch ASO responsible for helping the Unit Commanders in the Christchurch area.   MAJ Henderson stood down from the ASO roll in 2022 joining as a unit officer with 18SQN.  MAJ Henderson is also involved with NZCF Logistics as a Support Officer

SQNLDR Matt Long

S63-6 - CIS Officer

SQNLDR Long joined 17SQN in 1984 leaving at the end of 2007 having stood down as Unit Commander.  In 2008 SQNLDR Long took over command of 18SQN and was Cadet Unit Commander until handing over command in December 2020

SQNLDR Long's current role is the running of the SQN ADJ's office which is responsible for SQN administration and unit standards.  SQNLDR Long is also part of the national  Communications and Information Systems team, being responsible for the Google Workspace implementation within the NZCF.

PLTOFF Jack Malin

Training Officer

PLTOFF Malin joined 27SQN in 2017 reaching the rank of SGT.  

In February 2021 transferred to 18SQN.  In April of 2023, Jack attended the NZCF Commissioning course and was promoted to the rank of A/PLTOFF.

PLTOFF Malin's role as role as training officer is one of the most important in any NZCF unit, providing training programme that is enjoyable, challenging and meets the requirements of the NZCF training system.

SQNLDR Angela Harmon

Logistics Officer

SQNLDR Harmon originally joined Air Cadets with 15SQN in Timaru in 2006, before transferring to 18SQN in 2017.

SQNLDR Harmon is based in the stores and is responsible for ensuring all the unit is issued the correct uniform and providing logistics for the rest of the units equipment requirements.

FLTLT Pip Corlett

Adjutant Staff
S35-A – ATC Exchange Officer

FLTLT Corlett joined Air Cadets in 2003 with 42SQN in Dunedin and transferred to 18SQN in 2012.

FLTLT Corlett also holds a Staff Officer role being responsible for the International Air Cadet scheme in NZ.

FGOFF Mitchell Soper

Training Staff

 PLTOFF Soper was commissioned in 2021 having joined 18SQN as a cadet in 2013.

PLTOFF Anita Probert

Training Staff

OFFCDT Probert joined 17SQN in 2017.  She was promoted to Officer Cadet in October 2023 and transfered to 18SQN in the same month.

OFFCDT Caitlin Cummins-Leslie

Training Staff

OFFCDT Cummins-Leslie joined 18SQN in 2015, then serving as Squadron W/O in 2021.  She was promoted to Officer Cadet in December 2021.

OFFCDT Lauren Cunningham

Training Staff

OFFCDT Cunningham joined 23SQN in 2018, transferring to 18SQN in 2020.  She was promoted to Warrant Officer at the end of 2022, and subsequently to her current rank of OFFCDT at the end of 2024

OFFCDT Anaru Jackson

Training Staff

CDTW/O Jackson joined 18SQN in 2017 and was promoted to Warrant Officer in 2021.  In 2023 he was promoted to Officer Cadet.

OFFCDT Liam McIntyre

Training Staff

OFFCDT McIntyre joined 18SQN in 2019He was promoted to Officer Cadet in December 2023.

OFFCDT Jasmine Rowland

Training Staff

OFFCDT Rowland joined 18SQN in 2019.  She was promoted to Officer Cadet in December 2024

OFFCDT Emma Quinn

Training Staff

OFFCDT Quinn joined 18SQN in 2021, and most recently was promoted to Officer Cadet in December 2024

W/O Max Henderson

SQN Warrant Officer

CDTW/O Henderson joined 18SQN in 2019.

Each NZCF unit can only have one Warrant Officer and CDTW/O Henderson  is responsible for all of 18SQN's NCO's, ensuring they are maintaining a high standard in all aspects of SQN activities.